Called to Care Ministry

Called to Care

The Called to Care team connects us to those within our MSCC community when someone has a specific need. The committee takes charge of the following:

Visits to Shut-Ins: Members of this committee call and/or visit their assigned MSCC member at least once a month. We always need more people who can visit! We provide training on effective visits, how to handle specific situations, and we debrief on our own experiences at each meeting so we can continually learn from each other
Meal Ministry: Using the “Take Them A Meal” computer program, we coordinate, cook and deliver meals for those in need after a hospitalization, illness, death in the family or similar
Cards, Prayers & Calls: Rev. Joan keeps us informed of who in our MSCC family is in need of cards, calls and prayers and this group reaches out on a regular basis
Rides: Some members of our MSCC family are in need of transportation to doctor’s appointments, church services and other special events. This committee coordinates and volunteers to give rides on an as-needed basis.

We also assist the Board of Fellowship with the delivery of Thanksgiving baskets in November and other special projects.

If you are interested in joining a committee that does not meet frequently, but does make a big difference in the lives of our church family – Called to Care may be right up your alley. Please contact the church office to be connected with Called to Care.